
Sunday 9 October 2011

Ajax home.

Steel grey sky greets the fleet remaining in port this morning........
as the Ajax waits to land to a crowded fish market........
evidence of the wind strength over the past week can be seen from the mizzen sail which lies in shreds atop the after net pounds, the result of the aerial mast being brought down - the mizzen sail provides the boat with a steadying effect in strong winds and is used when hauling the gear (nets) to help keep the boat 'head to wind', essential if the skipper is going to keep damage to a minimum  as the boat travels slowly along the track the tier of nets were set......
lucky to secure space in the market fridge, the Padstow based Charisma gets her fish ashore......
under the watchful gaze of her skipper manning the landing gear........
then it's in through the market curtains.......
the heavy rain brought flooding to the boating pool at Wherry Town.