
Friday 23 September 2011

Sun up moon up.

Not often the moon is high in the sky as the sun puts in an appearance......
with five grades of JDs these are the medium sort of fish........
an almost double sided plaice with the normally white underbelly almost covered in the same markings as the top side......
"and I'll have those there"........
even fishing has its won fair share of red tape.......
looking out for potential new customers, fresh Newlyn hake keeps an eye on early morning proceedings......
top quality monk from several inshore boats was up for auction this morning on the last market of the week.......
with the sardine boats putting good shots ashore after a much quieter night weatherwise in the Bay.......
visiting beamers included the Admiral Gordon from Plymouth.......
and the Waterford registered Shauna Leon skippered by ex-Newlyn boy Titch Harvey........
the big cat Lyonesse makes waves on her way back to berth......
while the netter Gary M with her empty net bins aft indicating that all her nets are still out there fishing takes on ice before returning to the grounds........
tagged before the paint was even dry........
hard to make sou the numbers, but this looks like a new boat in town!........
with work still to be done on deck getting her ready for sea........
but the freshly painted stern reveals all - the much awaited third ship, Louisa N joins the Nowell fleet with the number PZ101.........
along the dockside work in progress on the old ice-breaker continues..........
as the Mount gets a dose of sun rays.