
Monday 19 September 2011

Ajax encounters that same old problem with a Spanish trawler.

Neuvo Ria Aldan courtesy of
fishing terms: towed (v) when a trawler tows its trawl across nets, pots or lines fixed to the bottom

The latest tweet (see box on the right side of the blog) from Alan, skipper of the netter Ajax has identified the big 337 tonne Spanish trawler Neuvo Ria Aldan after she towed her trawl through the nets. If a trawler tows across a tier of nest sometimes the damage is restricted to a small section when the net might be dragged for a short distance or even cut through. In which case the netter has to steam to the other end of the tier and start hauling again untill the break is reached. If, however the trawler tows in the same direction as the gear is laying a whole set of nets can be lost. Let's hope that the Ajax can get in contact with the boat to pass over her readings for the rest of the gear.