
Wednesday 17 August 2011

A visitor's view of Newlyn.

The voyage of the French yacht Video Bleu II
It is worth looking at the comments on various blogs of visiting yachts to Newlyn - unbiased customer feedback - hats off to Val in the office for giving this particular visitor access to the WiFi in the harbour office - which should also prompt the harbour to think about making WiFi available within the harbour area - these days a relatively cheap option and a real plus for visitors, service engineers and others wishing to be in contact with the outside world via the internet.
"Newlyn: the largest fishing port in the south coast of England, which contrasts with the wetting of Helford River left this morning and all the other ports of Devon and Cornwall who welcomed us. A working atmosphere, decor and rusty metal, nets, engine noise, big diesel exhaust smells and mechanical grease and of course "fish stock". The leisure boats, oddly, become part of this living picture without offending the eye.
We read in the Imray guide that the The Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fisherman in which all who go to sea are welcome (sic) a hearty breakfast is served in their dining hall. So we tested. It is actually cheap and OK (as the French are reputed discerning breakfast eaters  - hat's off to Keith and the crew!) but the reception is mixed, not even a silly question like, "Are you French"?  - it is therefore so obvious that no one needs to even ask us any more?
And the Mission shower is 3 pounds (unthinkable) against 50p to use the only shower in the port where we seem to be more dirty than entering!  Good point: no WiFi on the harbour but the Secretary of the Harbour Office, without hesitation, offered us access to the Harbour Master's office for an hour and a half. Great class!
After a tour of the town (very quickly) and a little food, drink aboard Ithaca, boat and Gilles Agnès Frenchies of Ouistreham. Basically the stop in Newlyn has given us so to speak down to earth as it began to move into a nomadic too comfortable!