
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Visiting yachts fill pontoon berths at Newlyn Harbour.

 No sign of any faces in these clouds over Mount's Bay this Monday morning.......
 looks like the Mission has been thrown a lifeline.......
 the White Heather is down by the head again.......
 as the fish are brailed from the tanks......
 at low water......
 before dropping in to the waiting bins......
 lined up on the fish market ready to go to the processor.......
 blocking out the sun.......
 inside the fish market here are a few langoustine on offer......
 while Roger has been dory bashing with his new rig.......
 and their is a good run of haddock - which will see many discarded as the current quota can be caught easily in 24 hours by even small trawlers like the Imogen II........
 at 3.4 kg this must be one of the biggest tub gurnards landed on the market this year - a great fish when baked buried in a mound of damp sea salt........
 a box of bass gone to the man on the South coast.......
 Mario has a few bongos of brown crab on the quay.......
 there's plenty of work to be done aboard the beam trawler Algrie.......
 it doesn't seem to matter how many berths are free these days there are plenty of passing yachts to fill the spaces.......
 back in through the gaps, the Billy Rowney makes her way to the quay......
as the visiting ring netter Silver Star heads for the gaps.