
Friday 26 August 2011

Undulatus Asperatus seen over Newlyn.

 It's that time of year again, plenty of parking down Newlyn Coombe......
 Keith Dixon will be blessing the fleet on Sunday.......
 that's all we need.......
 the Pioneer is back in town for the luggers fest in the Old Harbour - don't forget top Slowfood chef, Sanjay Kumar will be running his pop-up restaurant over there too..........
 Newlyn hosted a rare cloud formation this morning, only recently identified in 2009, Undulatus Asperatus........
 while a patch of blue slowly grew over the back of the village......
 towards the Mount things were looking decidedly wet....
 with not a breath of wind, or 'smoke' on the Beaufort scale.......
 the sardine boys are responsibly fishing again.....
 with a good nights work despite the heavy ground sea......
 that made things a little more challenging for the smaller Resolute........
 that's a fine nose you ave there mister garrick......
 boxes at speed........
 don't forget mackerel en.......
 the James R H had a cracking good trip for the time of year......
 not that these beauties were part of their haul.......
 more Undulatus Asperatus.......
 over the harbour.......
giving the place a very 'edgy' feel.