
Tuesday 2 August 2011

Misty morn.

One of Penzance's Art Deco buildings home to Lane's Auction house.......
early morning swan cruise......
the comfortable angler.......
let's hope the St Georges doesn't want his gear back aboard before this gull has finished nesting this year......
Rowse's new crabber the Kastel Paol is almost ready for sea......
heading off to sea,the all orange Nazarene.......
heavily built punt joins the race.......
young Roger Nowell's re-fitted and re-named Imogen II is ready to put her trawls back aboard......
classic racing yacht Overlord is one of many yachts using Newlyn over the weekend........
its a close run thing this year mid-season for the two lifeboats.......
a heavy mist hangs over the back of Newlyn Town.......
as another French yacht leaves for the open sea.......
Squirel Signs been busy again painting in boat names and numbers.......
preparing the bait for a fleet of crab pots aboard the Nazarene......
big trip of hake from the Harvest Reaper again......
maybe some enterprising person in Newlyn will open up its own seawater pedicure shop and use Cuckoo Wrasse?.......
a complete dinner party fish, 7.4 kilo turbot........
the reddest of red mullet.