
Friday 5 August 2011


 On guard in the Bay.......
 the eye of the hake.........
 undercover langoustine..........
in tandem.........
 is alive and well and catching mackerel it seems.........
 four at at time go back aboard the sardine boat Lyonesse........
 it's FF..........
full steam ahead for the angling boat.......
 hung out to dry.........
 Ollie overends the sardine net after it had been somewhere it shouldn't........
 master of all he surveys........
in reflective mood........
Heyl Town Band will be kicking in with their Proms by the Pool on the prom on the 14th of August........
 one ex-French fishing boat en route.........
one oddly named French yacht en route.......
new paint job looks good on the Harvest Reaper........
end of the line for the netter.