
Monday 4 July 2011

Swimmers, a skinny dipper, swans and some other sunny Summer scenes.

The growing fleet of Mount's Bay swans enjoy rich pickings at high water just off Newlyn Green......
the Admiral Gordon's water blasting is almost finished.........
absent minded skinny dipper.......
swimmer ready to go at Battery Rocks.......
party coming up?.........
a reminder for young crabber Liam Gill's memorial service being held at the Mission this Wednesday.......

bag a solid breakfast at the Fishermen's Cafe......
red, white and blue, a patriotic start to the day
work in earnest aboard the new Rowse crabber Kastel Paol.........
flat calm and a blaze of sunshine.........
big streamline bass........
they're all mine, on go the buyer's tallies.........
the William put ashore excellent quality red mullet this morning.......
let's hope the current push to promote hake sees these superb specimens from the netter Golden Harvest make a half decent price........
out all night for a shot of Cornish Sardines.........
ancient stone works revealed off Newlyn Green.