
Monday 18 July 2011

Seafood Cornwall Training, the CFPO and Falfish, offer FREE practical sea safety training for young people during the summer holidays.

Two Newlyn boys learn the craft and fish for harbour prawns from their punt.
Seafood Cornwall Training in association with the Cornish Fish Producers Organisation (CFPO) and local fish processor Falfish, is offering FREE practical sea safety training for young people during the school summer holidays. 

Two dates will be offered: The 2nd and 3rd of August at Carn Brea Leisure Centre. The safety days are aimed at young people who spend time on small inshore fishing vessels and will introduce key elements of Safety Awareness; Fire Training and Prevention; First Aid; and Sea Survival. Currently, young people cannot gain the mandatory training certificates, including Sea Survival, Fire Prevention, First Aid and Health and Safety, until their 16th birthday, but many youngsters may be out on the water without any safety training or knowledge of how to act in an emergency situation.  

Sarah Crosbie, Manager of Seafood Cornwall Training, explained, “The course aims to equip candidates with some essential basic sea safety skills; we welcome enquiries from those already connected to the industry as well as from young people who are considering a future at sea.” Mike Collier MBE, who is well known and respected throughout the Cornish Fish Industry and who will be delivering the Safety Awareness part of the course added, “This is a great opportunity for some of the kids already helping their dads or granddads in the fishing industry to be safer and become more aware of some of the dangers of being at sea. I am looking forward to making it into a fun day for all.” 

Paul Trebilcock, Chief Executive of the CFPO explained, “The CFPO is very supportive of this initiative by Seafood Cornwall Training Ltd. We need young and enthusiastic individuals to join the industry. It is important that we encourage a culture of safety amongst fishermen from an early age, as well at motivating them to learn about the many and varied topics related to working at sea. Hopefully this experience will instil in them, an enthusiasm that they will carry with them in their future careers.” 

To find out more and book onto the course contact Sarah or Emma at Seafood Cornwall Training on 01736 364324 or visit

Seafood Cornwall Training Ltd.
50 The Strand
TR18 5HW

Tel: 01736 364324
Fax: 01736 366692