
Saturday 30 July 2011

Saturday morning.

Pirate Day down Penzance's pedestrian street, Causewayhead brought out a sea monster at Waves restaurant......
the new Travelodge doesn't look as though it is going to make any architectural shortlists other than Prince Charles'........
the Anglian Princess in silhouette off Wherry town beach.......
is passed by the French trawler Trecher after taking ice in Newlyn.......
an early morning dipper off the prom.......
the swan flotilla pass by.......
a set of well-worn steps.......
racing for the gaps, the CKS and the Sparkling Line......
Penzance Dry Dock company is kept busy with the dredger Sand Pit.......
Through the Gaps Penzance dock........
the grey mullet are looking fat and healthy at this time of year giving the local anglers something to aim for........
skipper Roger checks to see if the new name has been spelt correctly.......
plenty of dolphins to see on the boat trips at the moment.......
polished square ended prop ready to go aboard the survey vessel Flat Holm.........
landing time for the Sparkling Line........
scrub down on the CKS.........
trepidation, off to sea for the first time in three months for 'Arnie on the Elizabeth N.......
while Phil rolls his first ciggy for the trip.