
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Newlyn Harbour Commissioners meeting - update!

The Harbour Commissioners' suggestions box appears full of ideas!
There is was a scheduled meeting of the Newlyn Pier and Harbour Commissioners tomorrow at the Centre, due to start at 9am. The meeting has been postponed pending further advice reaching the Commission. At least three working days notice must be given before a meeting.

The first part is an open session when members of the public can speak directly with their elected representatives via the chair, Gilber McCabe.

Tomorrow's meeting is likeley to be well attended given the recent changes to the make up of the present board. It is hoped that the chair of the governors will be in a position to announce the make up of the new board and perhaps give an indication as to future plans for the harbour.

The board is currently seeking new members, application details can be obtained from the secretary to the Commissioners, Andrew Munson.