
Wednesday 20 July 2011


More data has now been added to the Marine Management Organisation’s interactive and online map.

Once registered, users can select (fixed and mobile fishing gear and intensity) and then use the boxes to add comments directly to the web site.

Be sure to register with the marine planning portal which allows anyone logging on to view a range of information and locations – from details of wind farm developments to conservation areas - even fishing operations – and understand how busy our seas have become.

New information has just gone live for the following uses:
· Marine Protected Areas
· Defence and national security 
· Energy production and infrastructure development
· Ports and shipping
· Marine aggregates
· Marine dredging and disposal
· Subsea cables
· Fishing activity
· Aquaculture
· Tourism and recreation
· Marine ecology and biodiversity
· Historic environment.
Plan-making is already underway in the East Offshore and East Inshore marine plan areas - from Flamborough Head to Felixstowe – with a total of 10 marine plans to be drawn up for England over the next decade to inform and guide marine regulators and users.

The planning portal offers an easy way to be involved and contribute to marine planning. Using the controls, you can locate and then zoom in on particular areas or activities by selecting the specific data you want to see. You can also post comments and make suggestions on new data or information to inform the plans in the East of England, which are expected to take two years to finalise.

We hope as many people as possible will get online, look at the map and share any insights they may have on the evidence we will be using. The MMO will also be running a series of workshops in the East of England over the coming year which will provide opportunities for others, including those who are not online, to have their say.

You can also contact the planning team by telephone on 0191 376 2790, or email: