
Tuesday 19 July 2011

Fresh Newlyn crab meat from M and R Crab.

Newlyn has seen the fleet of boats (local and visiting) that fish for brown crab and scallops increase in size over the last five years - to such an extent that shellfish landings now amount for nearly a fifth of the port's total income. One company to take advantage of these more regular supplies, is the Newlyn family firm of M and R Crab. Started by Mike and Rose Dyer - who will best be remembered by some for their part in the mackerel handlline fishery back in the 1970s when they supplied many crews with sets of handmade mackerel 'feathers' - a real cottage industry at the time.

Inshore brown crab straight from the pot.

With the introduction of the mackerel box and changes in mackerel fishing patterns, the family business diversified and formed M and R Crab to handle shellfish for the small fleet of inshore potters back in 1982.  Since then they have specialised in hand picking crab to order, often delivered within hours of being cooked and picked!

Dan and Mark Dyer
Responsible Fishing Scheme - Today's more discerning markets increasingly demand high standards in quality and sourcing fish from ethically fished boats -so these days the business runs in the safe hands of son Mark and son-in-law Dan who work closely with the fleet of RFS accredited Rowse crabbers in the port as well as a myriad of inshore and small cove boats working pots around the rocky coastline of West Penwith.

The boys shun the speed and ease of mechanically picked crab which results in a dry meat - hand picked remains moist and succulent and retains more flavour.  Early orders for fresh MandR crab meat can be taken online or over the phone to allow for the daily delivery service to Cornwall and the UK.