
Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Armed Knight is watching you!

Not often you see a boat come down between the Longships and Land's End. Care needs to be taken with two semi-submerged rocks to avoid, the Shark's Fin at the Nor'ard end of the channel and the Kettle's Bottom almost midway between the Longships and the cliffs. With no ground sea running, neither are visible around high water.

Roger Nowell mending gear aboard the Semper Allegro.
Roger Nowell in his beam trawling days for Stevenson's would often do the same - challenged by boss man Billy Stevenson one evening after arriving, Roger vehemently denied having taken such a route on his way home from 'up channel' - to which Billy replied, "See, I've just been watching the local news on TSW filmed at Land's End - and guess who I could see over the shoulder of the interviewer?!!" Roger,.......... your fired.