
Friday 24 June 2011

Friday night's fishy feast - a little ray of sunshine.

 This is a job for the fishmonger - but if you do end up with a whole ray first off, trim the two wings.......
 and discard the centre body piece (no good for stock as the ray is a member of the shark family and has cartilaginous 'bones' - great for kids though as they can be eaten!)......
 now the tricky bit, take the tail end of the wing (belly side up) and slip a thin knife blade between the flesh and the upper rough skin.........
 once you have a start of a few centimeteres, use a te towel or paper towel to grip the flesh and pull it off the skin - just like a Dover sole.......
 you'll end up with two clean ray 'wings'........
 on with the chips.......
 down they come.......
hard to beat good ol' fish 'n chips!