
Thursday 16 June 2011

Azab 2011 - and Solo Sails has a vested interest.

Two yachts currently competing in the great North Atlantic Azab race - Azores and Back - have suits of sails courtesy of Solo Sails.

First to arrive in the Azores was Comedy of Errors and skipper Sam White, not being one to miss an opportuntiy to live up to the boat's name, managed to secure thrid place in Class 3 amongst for the entire race until the last section - when he took the boat the wrong way round the island - nice one Sam!

Bladerunner at the start of Azab 2011.
Second up is Bladerunner, skippered by Steve Watson and currently plagued by the lack of a crucial ingredient for a yacht race:

 boat+ water-wind=no go

  Bladerunner is currently 36.4 miles form the finish line and making 0.3knots - hold tight Steve