
Tuesday 17 May 2011

Young fisherman's body recovered from Newlyn harbour.

The body of a seventeen year old fisherman, missing since Monday was recovered by police divers from Newlyn Harbour today. He was believed to be a member of the crabber Emma Louise's crew, having previously begun fishing with the Dom Bosco (above).


  1. this Is terribly sad. Rest in peace. God bless his parents and friends

  2. Can anyone who knew him contact BBC News 01752 234513/7 Jonathan Morris

  3. as a mother of a 16 year old boy, i couldnt imagine a worser thing to happen,my thoughts are with all the family. r.i.p. young man.

  4. as a mother of a 16 year old boy, i couldnt imagine a worser thing to happen,my thoughts are with all the family. r.i.p. young man.


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