
Thursday 19 May 2011

Result! Coastguard stations won't be closed!

It is being reported in the national press that the Government has decided to pull plans to close 11 coastguard stations as originally outlined in their proposed cutbacks.

A quiet, but virulent campaign to fight the cuts made full use of online technology like blogs, social networking and a well supported petition all seem to have helped bring about the right result for the nation's marine trades and leisure activities. 

The cruel irony of having Sheryll Murray receive news that her fisherman husband had been found fatally injured at sea while she was in the House of Commons taking part in a debate to cut elements of the Coastguard Service  cannot have been lost on those taking part at the time.

A full transcript of the evidence given before the House taken in April of this year can be read here.

Save the Coastguard - Petition Online

Save Clyde Coastguard

Save Stornaway

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