
Sunday 15 May 2011

Porthcurno to Penberth to Treen walk - with refreshment breaks.

With the wind in the east for many weeks the waters around Mount's Bay take show off the sandy beaches in true Caribbean colours........
though the tranquil waters may at times be disturbed by that most unpopular of water-born activities seen here doing the aquatic version of a motorcycle 'doughnut'........
which would not have impressed the anglers assembled off the slip at Penberth Cove........
where the old man-powered slipway winch is evidence of the highest form of technology of its day.......
make grass and boats an unusual combination.......
as is the Hottentot plant, a native of Africa, seen around many of the cliffs in the Bay........
walking back to Treen there are chances to sample plenty of home made food along the way at Treen Farm Camp Site........
or, if Cornish St Austell Ales (the lager drinker excused) and.......
local pub food are more your thing then head for.......
the Logan Rock Inn........

which records one of the first examples of anti-social behaviour and vandalism in Cornwall when a certain Royal Navy lieutenant disgraced himself in 1824 - an act that cost him dear with the kind of punishment many might feel should be brought back for similar offences today.

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