
Tuesday 24 May 2011

Murder enquiry after man recovered from Mount's Bay.

At around 1000 hours today, Tuesday, 24 May 2011, Police were called to at an area at the back of St Michael's Mount by HM Coastguard after receiving a report of an incident involving two men in a small boat which was being monitored by the Penzance NCI watch station.

On arrival, a man was recovered from the water. He was taken to hospital at Treliske by Police helicopter. Police can confirm this man is now dead.
A forensic post mortem is being carried out later this afternoon.

A man has been arrested and remains in police custody on suspicion of murder and is being held at Camborne police station.

Detective Inspector Costa Nassaris said: “We were called to an incident this morning in Mount's Bay where a body was recovered from the water. We can confirm that this man has died and we’re conducting a post mortem today to establish the cause of death. We currently have a man in police custody at Camborne, being held on suspicion of murder.

“I must stress that this is the early stages of a murder investigation and our job now is to piece together events leading to this incident. We’re also in the process of identifying and informing the next of kin. Right now, I’m unable to share any further information with you but hope to have a further update for you tomorrow.”

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