
Tuesday 24 May 2011

Fine forecast for Fal Fish Fest!

Rick Stein's Fish and Chips, along with the Greenbank Hotel, has agreed to sponsor Falmouth's second two day fish festival which will form part of this year's 10-day Fal River Festival.

Taking place on Sunday 29th and Monday 30th May, organisers are expecting over 10,000 people to attend the two-day fish festival, which will feature a wide range of stalls and cooking demonstrations. The fish festival will be a great opportunity to showcase some of the fantastic seafood that is caught around our coast. The theme of the festival is all about getting people to try fish dishes which they would not normally eat.

Schedule of events:

Sunday 29th May

10am :: Fal Fish Festival Day 1
11am :: Rick Stein to open festival
11.15am :: Paul Ripley Demo (Rick Stein's Fish and Chips)
11.55am :: Black Rock Jazz Band
1.15pm :: Fiona Were (The Greenbank)
1.55pm :: Squash Box Theatre presents "The Sea Show"
2.30pm :: Black Rock Jazz Band
3.10pm :: Paul Trudgian fish monger demo (Fish for Thought)
3.50pm :: Fish Auction (In aid of the Fishermen's Mission)
4.05 :: Squash Box Theatre presents "The Sea Show"
5pm :: Quijada - Latino-Cuban band
6pm :: Day 1 of the Fal Fish Festival ends

Monday 30th May

10am :: Fal Fish Festival Day 2
11am :: Miles Lavers Seaweed Demo (Foods Wild)
11.40am :: Squash Box Theatre presents "The Sea Show"
12.15pm :: Jumping Out Duo
12.50pm :: Annie Sibert (My Fish Kitchen)
1.30pm :: Arty Williams/Catherine Murden (The Cove/St Austell Brewery)
2.10pm :: Jumping Out Duo
3pm :: Nick Hodges (St Michael's Hotel)
3.40pm :: Fish Auction (In aid of the Fishermen's Mission)
3.55pm :: Vistar Das (Indaba)
5pm :: Fal Fish Festival ends

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