
Wednesday 6 April 2011

Fishing reform - this government's being busy!

Consultation: Reform of Domestic Fisheries Management Arrangements in England - you've until June 30th to have your say!

This consultation seeks views on proposals for fisheries management reform in England, which are designed to secure a more profitable, sustainable and unified fishing industry in the long term. It has evolved from the Sustainable Access to Inshore Fisheries (SAIF) project, which was established to look at long term solutions to the problems facing the English under-10m fleet, caused by an imbalance between fishing capacity and

The key elements of the proposals include:

be used to incentivise community quota models.
•the establishment of community quota models in areas that wish to safeguard a small-scale/community fleet;

•the allocation of clearer, more stable and predictable entitlements to fish across the whole English fleet, using the existing Fixed Quota Allocation mechanism;

•safeguards to help retain fisheries access rights in more sustainable parts of the fleet (e.g. members of community quota groups) and prevent fishing rights becoming concentrated in the large scale fleet; and

•some re-alignment of fishing opportunities across the English fleet, including that associated with consistently un-fished allocations. We are considering how this measure might

The consultation is aimed at the fishing industry, coastal communities, and anyone else with an interest, including members of the public.

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