
Thursday 10 March 2011

"Not a done deal" says the MCA as row boat Papa Delta reaches Antigua - thanks to FCG.

Many of those who attended the public meeting on the proposed Coastguard cuts that include ending 24/7 cover at Falmouth came away feeling that it was "a done deal". A spokesperson for the MCA on Radio Cornwall's Breakfast Show this morning failed to convince that this was the case and prompted one caller to ring in and say they would be contacting their local MP in protest.

News has reached our shores,via Falmouth Coastguard of course who over night were monitoring the arrival of Papa Delta, the two-handed rowing boat that has just arrived safely in Antigua after crossing the Atlantic raising money for Parkinson's UK. Their exploits including a post just a few moments after arriving can be viewed on their blog here.

The two brothers, Matthew and Christian Cleghorn, aboard the boat made the headlines a few weeks back when their boat was hit by a large wave which swamped their food stores causing them to call for help via FCG and again a few weeks later when the steering was damaged.

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