
Friday 11 March 2011

Trawlers on canvas - David Langsworthy's exhibition at the Mission.

Pollack wait to be picked up for filleting.......
its not just a rumour then Mario........
after coming astern on a spring as she pushes inside the big crabber.......
the Sea Lady uses her bow thruster to move to the quay.......
another Brixham beamer, Sasha Emeil, waits for sailing orders.......
these dredges won't be shiny for long on the giant scalloper Jacoba......
annual paint up time for KY1001...........
another set of new warps ready to go aboard.......
tomorrow the Ripple will be joined by the luggers Barnabus and Happy Return inside the Old Quay to celebrate Painting on the Pier day.......
next week the Mission will hold a fund raising painting exhibition of work by marine artist David Langsworthy.......
you have been warned!

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