
Sunday 6 March 2011

Containers on the prom?

You won't find too many other towns in the UK with high street shops like this...... 
mirror-like morning in Penzance wet dock.......
with just a gentle swell moving the waters off the prom.......
and leaving a regular pattern on the shingle beach........
these granite steps on the prom have been trod by many feet over the years.......
someone spent the night on their own.........
if Euchre's your game then don't miss this tournament with prizes coming soon at the Star Inn opposite the fish market.......
almost at the end of a major refit, the Jacoba is back in Newlyn........
and her gear now being put back together for the start of the scallop season......
not he best job but someone has to load up the crab bait, the smellier the better for the crab of course.......
signs of that winch job underway on the big beamer.........
well, perhaps the man has his eye on another site with more room.......
just round the corner.......
a reminder for the fleet that the iceworks is having some major repairs undertaken in a couple of weeks.......
brightly coloured visitor on the pontoons........
with visiting lifeboat on the end.

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