
Thursday 24 February 2011

Tuna fishing - Petite Marie Claude - film 4 and more info.

As Jacques Blanken suggested, it would be good to get the story from one of those aboard the boat when the incident of the 'firecrackers' happened. Newlyn fisherman, Robert George who made the trip and shot the film has this to add by way of explanation:
"The day in question the crew were getting more and more frustrated, we were catching nothing and boats that we were close to were hauling fish aboard. The skipper went below and returned with a pocket full of dynamite and fuses which he proceded to light with his fag and then broadcast. I kept a low profile remembering what happened to Jonah when things on his ship whent wrong!

The Petty Marie Claude came to Newlyn the following year at the mackerel drift net fishery during the winter of 1965/66 ( I think that was the last year the French drifters worked and either the last or next to last year for the Yorkies) George Peak and I had a drink with Xavier and I brought up the incident, George's translation was that we had sharks swimming under the boat."
So the plot thickens!

More photos of tuna fishing from Douarnenez, this time of the Ar Bageergan skippered by owner Chris Hill. These days the boat is in Penzance wet dock and provides a home and business under the name 'Bag o' Rags', which is what she was called by the fishermen of Newlyn, unable to get their toungues round the Breton name for the, 'Venetian Boat Song'.
Rigged for gill netting.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
Heading for Douarnenez with tuna poles.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
Leaving Dournenez - gill entting.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
Gill netting.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
Heading for Douarnenez - tuna fishing.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
Landing - tuna fishing.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
Landing - tuna fishing.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
Landing - tuna fishing.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
On the repair yard.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ
On the repair yard.
©Christian Signor - Association Treizour - DZ

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