
Saturday 19 February 2011

Spring-like morning just in time for the half-term break.

 Diana Marion full steam ahead........
 a word of warning guys, some of the feeds from these boxes are at 410 volts and not 240!.........
 a tense moment in the Mission as the Saturday Euchre school reaches a climax.......
 all in a mornings bidding for the man in his luck hat........
 another 'be there' event if you are involved, none more so than this year.......
 high water and time to get the punt on a mooring at high water........
 complete with personal fly-past from the resident gull squadron......
and then it's time to get down on your knees for the season's first bottom scrub.....
 one over the bow for the Wayfinder still looking for a new owner......
 a heavy ground sea over the last few days have revealed more than is usual of the old causeway that ran from Newlyn to Wherrytown........
and left its mark on the prom.......
even the hand rail is looking the worse for wear.........
 along with a few decorations from 'ol Neptune........
 and an endless variety of patterns created on these steps........
beach cleaners wanted!

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