
Monday 21 February 2011

Newlyn Archive - Newlyn School artists and their models - what do you know?

The Newlyn Archive will be mounting a display at the Newlyn Gallery as part of the Passmore Edwards Centenary.

They will be there from 2-4pm on four consecutive Tuesdays, on February 22 and on March 1, 8 and 15. The latest display focusses on the Newlyn people who modelled for the artists and the places and homes where they lived. The Newlyn Archive are hoping residents will come along and share their anecdotes, memorabilia and stories from friends or relatives - email them in if you can't make it to the Newlyn Gallery.

On Tuesday February 22, Liz Harman will be in role as a Newlyn fishwife to add to the fun.

Help promote the event by dowloading the poster and display it in your window

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