
Monday 14 February 2011

Fish fight for space on the market at Newlyn.

Mini re-fit for Lentern's the butchers - or did they just want to be off for Valentine's night?........
seems the gulls aren't the only ones keen to get hold of the cuttles........
all smiles with Alan and the boys aboard the Golden Harvest........
Sennen lifeboat gets passed by the Silver Spray........
still no sign of the gear going back aboard the Rowney.......
Charisma, one of the Padstow fleet waits under the ice machine after landing.......
battle of the big paws.......
bonus bass shot from the netter.......
with a lonely lobster keeping guard......
good run of haddock on the ground at the moment......
although this guy looks les than impressed the smoothhounds seem to be making good money for the boys aboard the BMC........
pile'em high and get them sorted quick, the auctioneer is on his way.......
not many of these guys to a box........
and a shot of mackerel for a change.......

quality tails from the Lisa Jacqueline.

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