
Tuesday 4 January 2011

A somewhat cloudy partial eclipse heralds in the first market of 2011.

There's a myriad of grading options for the machine graders.......
busy on good supplies of monk this morning......
up to their elbows in ink......
as another bumper landing of cuttles passes through giving the boys aboard the Twilight III a chance of breaking the port record this morning.......
a handful of netters pushed a weak neap tide for some relatively slack fishing, though strong prices should help bring a little festive spirit back into the proceedings.......
especially for big quality fish like this turbot, which in the week preceding the Christmas break almost touched £30 a kilo! -  that's well over £150 for the beauty in this box for the boys aboard the Sapphire -handsomely rewarded having elected to fish over the New Year ........
not to be outdone by the big beamer fleet, the Sea Spray has opted to fish for monk and put some cracking tails ashore......
a good hour before the sunrise a few of the harbour Christmas lights are still in action, though the weather conditions for a partial eclipse look none too promising with a good deal of heavy cloud in the sky.

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