
Sunday 12 December 2010

Cod cuts about as palatable as cod liver oil?

Netters using bigger meshes catch bigger fish like these two lonely looking big cod.......
....whereas boats targetting fish like red mullet with smaller meshes will not catch the bigger fish.

Ahead of tomorrow' annual EU quota talks fishermen are lobbying hard for south west cod quotas not to be cut. This year has seen a sharp increase in the spread of juvenile cod being caught across the ICES Area VII.  Cheryl Murray conservative MP for South Est Cornwall appeared on the Politics Show in defence of likely cuts. A scientist spokesperson said he would like to see fishermen given more say in managing their own quotas on a regional basis - that would receive wide support but would entail the getting together of several nations around the negotiating table to hammer out.

There are many reasons why juvenile cod are evident this year, diminished fishing effort from a much reduced French, Belgian and Dutch fleet, environmental factors like sea temperature or migratory patterns.

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