
Friday 12 November 2010

Soon-to-be-renamed St Adrian arrives in Newlyn for skipper Roger Nowell.

 With the St Georges the only white fish landing on Friday's market and the price of fish in a gale strewn country likely to be sky high the skipper and crew were sure to benefit.......
 alongside the whitefish landing, a couple of hundred kilos of the finest Cornish herring courtesy of Newlyn's answer to American Pies' Stifler crewing aboard the Diana Marion.......
it's been a very busy year and is now too close to call for this year's shout league table.......
 with the forecast giving moderating winds - to a mere gale - the boys on the Govenek of Ladram make ready to sail.......
 along with their new sound system......
 waiting for the Eridan to sort out her problems after being towed in last evening......
 one of MTS' Falmouth tugs is weather bound on the end of the New Quay......
 swapping the wooden hulled Imogen, Roger Nowell's new command, St Adrian, just arrived from Hartlepool......
 the boat has numerous clever arrangements of deck and trawl gear with winches (port quarter) and twin net drums (under the wheelhouse) and a fish hopper offset with the starboard gantry stanchion......
 looking back aft across the tops of the two net drums and the fully sheltered deck.

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