
Sunday 7 November 2010

Not so nero risotto.

 For two people you'll need risotto rice (short grain like arborio) to which finely chopped spring onion or red onion has been added along with garlic to taste.......
 keep adding at least a litre of vegetable stock in the time-honoured risotto cooking fashion (a little at at a time whilst stirring constantly(ish) and near the end of cooking time - approx 15 minutes...... add a fresh copped red chilli and the sliced squid.......
 the chilli needs frying off for 30 seconds.......
and then add the squid for a couple of minutes at high heat - at this time of year an even better dish is to get some of the very much in-season cuttlefish - and even better - make sure you add the ink sac from the cuttle to the rice - forget the unappetising grey look - the flavour of the ink is all.

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