
Monday 15 November 2010

Fisheries Science Partnership: proposal ideas sought from any and all fishermen.

Here's a chance for ANY fishermen to have their ideas or thoughts for a fishing related project turned into reality by CEFAS - speak to the guys in Newlyn to find out more - remember, it is the industry that gives organisations like CEFAS their reason for existing - and their work will be all the more credible if it is seen to be driven by the industry it represents.

The Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) is a long-standing Defra initiative to encourage fishermen and scientists to work together to solve problems and provide more robust scientific data.
Since 2003, when the FSP programme was first funded, over 75 industry-inspired projects have been carried out. Reports of these projects can be found in the Publications section of this site.

Ideas for proposals are now invited from fishermen for projects to be undertaken in the 2011/12 financial year, subject to funding being available. The continuation of the FSP programme is dependant upon the outcome of the Government's Comprehensive Spending Review, so proposals are prepared at the proposer's risk. At this stage, there is no guarantee of funding after March 2011.

Potential applicants should be aware that the objectives of the FSP are to:

1.provide information from commercial fishing catches on key stocks to supplement data sources traditionally used in ICES assessments

2.investigate concerns raised by fishermen on scientific assessments or on stocks not currently assessed

3.investigate innovative scientific methods and/or more selective/environmentally friendly fishing methods the work of Regional Advisory Councils.

Thus, to be eligible, projects must meet one of these objectives, plus be practical and able to deliver a real solution.

Turning an idea into a scientifically deliverable project is not always easy, so proposers may wish to ask their local Marine Management Organisation office for help. Alternatively, the Cefas FSP Contract Office can refer applicants to a scientist who can provide advice.

In addition, a simple form has been designed to help proposers to devise a suitable project. The form (in Word format, 64KB) prompts the essential required details.

It is available on this website, or from the FSP Contracts Office, Cefas, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0HT (Tel: +44 (0)1502 527706 / Email:

Ideas for proposals for projects must be delivered to the FSP Contract Office by 21 January 2011.


Please address all the criteria. It is advisable to download the form as a Word document so that the cell size can be expanded to suit your needs.

General enquiries to Mrs Jane Medler, FSP Contract Office, Cefas, Pakefield Road, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0HT; or telephone +44 (0)1502 527706 or email

Direct enquiries about scientific support for the proposal to the FSP Contract Office (details above) and a scientist will be found to contact you.

Please post completed forms to FSP Contract Office (see above) or email to putting “FSP proposal” and your name in the subject line.

Proposals must be received by 21 January 2011.

FSP objectives

(a) Provide information from commercial fishing catches on key stocks to supplement data sources traditionally used in ICES assessments

(b) Investigate concerns raised by fishermen on scientific assessments or on stocks not currently assessed

(c) Investigate innovative scientific methods and/or more selective/environmentally friendly fishing methods

(d) Support the work of Regional Advisory Councils (RACs)


Name of project
Overall aim of the project

Specific project objectives

Why this is important

Which of the FSPs four objectives (a,b,c,d) does this project meet?

2 Operational details

Vessel type and size range suitable to do the work (this should be as flexible as possible to attract most tenders)

Fishing or other gear required

Area of operation (ideally but not necessarily within British fishery limits)

Period of the survey

Duration of survey

Experience required of skipper/crew

Other essential or desirable information

Finance: any supporting finance available

Contact details

Name(s) of proposers

Name of proposer who can be contacted about the project


Phone numbers

Email address

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