
Friday 22 October 2010

Clue - Canapes Girls Inn - what you won't see in Mount's Bay next year.

The government's spending cuts announced yesterday pervade every aspect of life in the UK and the maritime trades are no exception......
as a result of the cuts, one morning next year Tom will no longer look out over the Bay and the bright deck lights aboard the 1600Hp MCA guard ship Anglian Princess.......
as she, and four other MCA ETVs, will have their charters taken away from them. Instead, the protection of coastal waters will become the sole responsibility of all those who use or watch over the waters around the coast. French waters in the Western Approaches are served by the privately owned Abeille fleet based in Brest. The Abeille Bourbon with 21,000Hp makes her one of the most powerful ETVs in the world - and she needed every one of those in this rescue incident filmed in the Bay of Biscay.

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