
Thursday 28 October 2010

New harbour commissioners - new broom sweeps clean.

A nature reserve twenty years in the making, installation art, call it what you will but the old trawls, gill nets and even one of the current commissioners own fish boxes under the shade of a magnificant buddliea tree are about to be 'relocated'........
as Royden makes the stocking of a 25 fathom prawn trawl fast to the forklift........
harbour commissioner Kevin Bennets and fisherman Andrew Pasoce watch in awe.......
as the forklift reverses back along the quay.......
on its way to the skip........
Newlyn's annual celebration of art and artists starts in a few weeks time........
anchor and anchor chain get the clean treatment.......
from this steel motor yacht on the dockside in Penzance.......
a sign of the changing face of eating and drinking habits in Penzance - the once notorious Dock Inn, or 'Lock Inn' as it was more commonly known which used to be patronised by a rather select clientele - an eclectic mix of dock, Steamship Company, Trinity House workers and fishermen along with a few eccentric creative types and some of the town's residents on first hand names with the boys in blue (who, if a job went down would vist late at night just to see who was about) - now provides WiFi, has a Facebook page, caters for all the family does Sunday lunches and even offers loyalty cards to its regulars - outrageous!

Skipper Alec Lincoln and the the boys on the Boston Boats wouldn't recognise the place!

Twenty five years ago, by then also catering for a diminishing number of workers associated with the harbour, the Dolphin Inn next to the Dock was given a full makeover by the owner's, St Austell Ales brewery. Lured by the offer of a free pint on opening day, local Newlyn fisherman Dick Harvey reported back on the new regime in a gruff tone, "typical trippers' 'alf pint an' a pasty pub now"!

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