
Saturday 30 October 2010

Fly past.

 The big clean-up, one day later and all that's left is a few nets, a trawl and a pile of fish boxes looking for a new home......
 if its not the main its the genny.......
 another dazzling display over the Bay this morning......
 greeting the Scillonian III on what should be the last trip of the year to the islands.......
 a little later and another change in colour fills the harbour.......
 at this time of year St Ives sees most of its fleet move elsewhere owing to the dangerous weather conditions in the winter.......
boat builder John Moore will be none too pleased to see one of his creations looking weather beaten......
 no chance of shakes in the stem of the William, just rusted out plates instead, good to see the apprentice avoiding looking at the welding - he'd only get arc-eye once in his life to know better........
 who's the odd one out then?........
 off come the anodes having done their job.........
starlings give an early morning fly-past over Newlyn Green.

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