
Sunday 19 September 2010

As the season changes......

 The end of the main holiday season is reflected in the tired looking flags on the promenade as Cornwall heads for the 'shoulder months'........
 time to move the ILB......
 the new mast rigged aboard the little Breton yacht from Carantec just doesn't look right somehow....
 Scottish scallopers are in over the weekend nearing the end of their summer season......
 a very rare shot of the woolly hatted grey back gull......
 eat and take a drink on one of the few pubs on the front......
 Kier Meikle, the man with his name above the door of the Navy Inn has built quite a reputation for his fine seafood menu.......
 if nothing else, going to the viewing of this coming sale at W.H.Lane's auction with picture by Miller and........
 Robert Lenkowicz are on offer.....
 the sun manages to catch the well-worn flags......
over the Jubilee Pool.

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