
Saturday 14 August 2010

Plenty of mackerel about - why not smoke some at home.

Head, gut and wash your fresh mackerel.....
soak them for 40 minutes in a brine solution - 150g to each litre of water, brought to the boil and cooled......
for hot smoking the temperature inside the box needs to be at around 100˚.......
and will take from 30-60 minutes depending on the size of the fish and to personal taste......
time to spark up the BBQ as well - don't forget the BIG K charcoal - it is the best.......
the colour and smell are divine......
prepare a few salad leaves from the garden......
a few seconds to contemplate the plate.......
and within minutes it's all over.


  1. Mouthwatering stuff! Any advice on how you constructed your smoking box?

    Many thanks

  2. It is just that - a box! In this instance it was an old ply packing case. Any box will do - an old dustbin or filing cabinet even!

    The trick is to get the sawdust to burn slowly. I use a sweet tin half filled with sawdust sat on top of an old tagine half full of lit charcoal. It is all trial and error. Am currently working on a cold smoke adaption - will post once the trials are complete!

  3. Mouthwatering stuff! Any advice on how you constructed your smoking box?

    Many thanks


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