
Monday 23 August 2010

Ajax does battle.

 A suitable subject for Daisy or a watercolourist.......
 the Holly Mae is now full rigged and is ready to go......
 maybe not as far as this cat, the Burnout, though.......
 the latest punt to join the fleet......
 tuna maestro is back from his latest trip......
 worth a look, put it in your diary.......
 just what you don't need, being mopped up by someone else's lost trawl netting......
 how to keep a big boat heeled in against the quayside.......
 she must have towed into the poor weather and left gutting the last haul till being in the calmer waters of the harbour......
 well over 300 boxes from the Ajax, a big trip by any standards.....
 a big blue, keeping an eye on things
 a whirlwind trip off Land's End produced 8 boxes of bass for the Cyclone.......
 Mr Meg this morning......
 plenty of exercise for the buyers hauling fish across the market......
 a full house of beamer fish.......
 another notch on the tally board.......
for the orange team.

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