
Monday 28 June 2010

The Corbeau des Mers and the Free Fench head for Newlyn 70 years on.

A busy Monday morning mixed market greeted the start of the week.......
with the mackerel still showing as they get tallied up for sale......
evidence that the Cornish Sardine season has started.......
out in the Bay and heading in from a fog laden sea, the Corbeau des Mers passes the Mount 70 years after making the voyage first time round during the WWII......
up forar'd an over exuberant deckhand falls trying to hoist the mains'l aboard the cat hired by the French TV crew.......
the local luggers turned out to welcome the flotilla of boats, including the MBLA's Happy Return.......
the Marche Avec makes her way to join the rest of the flotilla......
and passes more of the growing fleet of local luggers.......
and a small gaff-rigged classic.......
Corbeau des Mers alongside the Pioneer........
a local punt heads up the race for the gaps.......
as the luggers struggle with the very light winds in the Bay.......
its time to head back to Newlyn.......
where there's a welcome on the quayside from the Breton contingent.


  1. It was such a moving experience to go and welcome them at sea and we were blessed with fantastic weather.
    They are moving to Penzance harbour late afternoon for more mingling of Breton and Cornish singing.
    Mithe Howell

  2. It was such a moving experience to go and welcome them at sea and we were blessed with fantastic weather.
    They are moving to Penzance harbour late afternoon for more mingling of Breton and Cornish singing.
    Mithe Howell


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