
Friday 15 May 2009

Ready and waiting for the tow round to Sennen

Built for comfort and speed and a far cry from the days of the Monarch, Pete Downing heads back to a berth after a spot of mackereling.....
harbourmaster, Andrew Munson checks in with the rig boss.......
before putting a line aboard......
and beginning the tow......
back to the temporary berth alongside the slipway.....
where the rig will wait for a window in the weather to make the journey round Land's End to Sennen.....
with that much weight aboard and the height of the jib all hands will be hoping for no ground sea running when they reach the Runnelstone Buoy......
the harbour punt is flat out during the tow.....
about to drop the tow. The rig will, when in place, sit astride the slipway of the lifeboat station - a new lifeboat will arrive on completion of the works in June.

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