
Saturday 23 May 2009

Hilary Lister arrives in Newlyn after rounding the Lizard overnight

Its the time of year when pots can get covered in ray eggs.....
a good tip for anyone planning on anti-fouling - make sure you turn the tins of paint upside down to upset the settled out contents of the bottom......
but before the paint goes on, the sh*** must come off......
which causes a little mist across the stern of the Elizabeth N......
with plenty of artists at work in Newlyn there's a local framer to be kept busy......
though this work of art is already framed outside the Star Inn.....
last of the netters to hit the harbour the CarolH is back......
the potters are busy now that the crabs are showing signs of moving in the warmer waters.....
the harbour's collection of scrap bales of monofilament gillnets awaits collection for recycling......
catching up where she left off last year, Hilary Lister arrived in Newlyn around 2am on Saturday morning accompanied by her support rib.

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