
Monday 6 April 2009

Easter promise

The Angel spreads her wings on the end of the quay....
and another haul of scrap iron that includes a netter's anchor waits for collection, ......
the deck wash goes over the side as the Oban registered Braveheart comes to life.....
study in turquoise, waiting for the crabs to move.......
almost the end of the neap so the netters are back in town.....
and among them, the Ajax has a huge haul of hake to tempt the buyers into parting with their cash, especially as this is traditionally one of the best export markets of the year in the run up to Easter for our largely Catholic cousins....
the Go for It hit a quality patch of turbot for the Easter dinner plates....
still making an impression, late season cuttles providfe a welcome boost to the catch returns....
which in turn means the fuel supplies are keeping the fleet of familiar yellow tankers on the move.

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