
Monday 30 March 2009

Windcat 17

Loacl residents will be looking at the refurbished Ross Bridge, resplendent in shades of turquoise, and wondering when it will swing back into place, thereby alleviating the daily traffic chaos it has inflicted on the town.......
part of a twice daily ritual, the gate in Penzance Wet Dock is lowered, roughly an hour and a half before high water......
your favourite local food store, the CO-OP wagon brings in fresh supplies bound for Scilly......
all aboard the Scillonian III, just hours away from making her first trip of the season.....
over in Newlyn someone has arrived with a strong desire to maintain a clean ship.....
and take fuel - No17 is the latest from the production line at Wincat, the windfarm service vessel people from Fleetwood....... these highly specialised vessels service a number of key windfarms in the UK and Europe.......
with this, the latest example, bound for Holland.

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