
Wednesday 11 March 2009

Twinkle twinkle little star.......

For the last time, the Two Boys carried the singing fisherman, this time to her final resting place on the Canner's Slip - in the morning the JCB will see that another Newlyn boat joins the decommssioned list. Last year, the skipper and owner of the Two Boys, made a brief appearance on the X Factor billed as the 'singing fisherman' - sadly, the judges could not see an obvious market for the sweet tenor voice and cheeky Cornish humour that the local fleet have lived with for many a year! Hopefully, Twinkle will no doubt find another vessel from which to serenade the other boats during the small wee hours while on watch.
An enormous moon hangs over the gaps at dusk......
as another beamer heads out to sea.

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