
Monday 23 March 2009

Spring fishing

Captain Leach and son Gary head the Achieve back into a berth after landing their trip to the market.....
view of the stern arrangement on the Plymouth multi-pupose trawler/beamer Admiral Gordon......
all the netters, like the Ajax here, will be hoping for good prices this morning with big trips of superb quality hake.....
evidence of the time of year in the shape of mixed boxes of hard and soft roes.....
Robert George from Seafood Cornwall casts an eye over 61/2 tins of poillack from Kenny Downing's Golden Harvest......
a fine shot of ray from the inshore fleet runs the length of the chill room ....
while Edwin keeps the head office of Ocean Fish up to date with the big gill-net trips on the market.....
it takes time to ice over nearly 7 tons of fish from the Ajax....
in the scrap bay someone has had enough of their on-board exercise machine....
back go the boxes on the crabber Pen Glas.....
seems there are some keeping the landlady on her toes in the Star.....
while she promises to keep the punters happy by fixing prices till the end of the month, well all except the Stella for some reason!

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