
Monday 9 March 2009

The Spirit arrives in body!

Pete Goss and crew, seen here aboard the Spirit of Mystery in Newlyn just before she set sail for Australia. Was he to know that brother-in-law Mark Maidment (top right) would meet the crew from the comfort of the quayside after being put ashore prematurely as a result of being injured a few days before the boat completed the epic voyage......
looking forward, home for the last 5 months......
Mark seen here taking some very useful provisions aboard the Mystery in Newlyn......
a close up view of the fastenings employed to keep the bopat's dinghy on top of the coachroof - the dinghy was ripped from here, along with the fixings when the boat rolled 160 degrees in the storm encountered one week ago. If you take a close look at the starboard planking down to and below the waterline there is evidence that the boat was well shaken in the knockdown.

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