
Wednesday 4 March 2009


The Hurst Point, a Ro-Ro merchant vessel on commision to the Royal Navy takes part in a short exercise off Penzance harbour before heading off to Marchwood Military Port......
most of the Newlyn fleet are back in port as a patch of strong wind passes over the south west....
time for the Jacoba to get in some maintenance work on her dredges....
on a Wednesday morning with no fish to pseak of on the market the local seabird population are left to scaveninging from the rubbish drums on the quays....
including this unusual Arctic gull, easily distinguishable buy the all-white plumage....
and watched by one of the many regular visitors on the quay.....
she has now joined the small number of boats currently at rest in the harbour down by the iceworks berth.....
a market devoid of boats this morning......
catching the early morning sun the Mission's galleon faces the strong nor'westerly winds....

which herald the passing heavy showers acroos the back of the Mount.

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